BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Metcon Metcon (2 Rounds for reps) Get as far as possible in 16min… Run 200m 10 Toes-To-Bar 20 Barbell Front Squats 45/35lb Run 400m 20 Toes-To-Bar 30 Barbell Front Squats 45/35lb Run 600m 20 Toes-To-Bar 30 Barbell Front Squats 45/35lb Run 400m 10 Toes-To-Bar 20 Barbell Front Squats 45/35lb Run 200m Rest 4min. Get as far as possible in 16min… Row 200m 20 Push-Ups 20 V Ups or GHDs Row 400m 30 Push-Ups 30 V Ups or GHDs Row 600m 30 Push-Ups 30 V Ups or GHDs Row 400m 20 Push-Ups 20 V Ups or GHDs Row 200m
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Strict Press 3 Sets: Strict Press (Double Progression Week 8) LAST WEEK before our deload week and then will start a NEW cycle the following Week. 6-8 Reps superset with; 10-12 Heavy DB Russian Twists Rest 2min. *Use 30% LESS weight on the deadlift than the heaviest set you did over the past 7 weeks. Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15min. AMRAP: 10 Cal Assault Bike 15 Pull-Ups 20 Barbell Thrusters 45/35
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Cardio MASH 0-8min… 3 Rounds: 250m Row 200m Run 8-16min… 3 Rounds: 20 Hang Power Snatches 75/55lbs. 40 Air Squats 16-24min… 3 Rounds: 250m Row 200m Run 24-32min… 3 Rounds: 25 Hang Power Cleans 95/65lbs. 25 Box Jumps 24/20″ 32-37min: Max Russian KB Swings 70/53lbs. Really diggin the flow on this one! The only rest you get is for finishing a section early, so make sure you’re moving on each one 🙂 RX+ is muscle ups. Completely different stimulus, but thought it could be fun for some of you 🙂 You must finish each section to get RX. And if you finish each section within the time caps, then you put your max reps in at the end. For either swings or muscle ups. Just that is your score.Score is the number of KBS at the end (or Muscle...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Deadlift Deadlift (Double Progression Week 8 “DELOAD”) Every 3min. x 5 Rounds: 6-8 Barbell Bench Press 6 Deadlifts *Use 30% LESS weight on the deadlift than the heaviest set you did over the past 7 weeks. *Go as Heavy as Possible on the Bench Press 🙂 Metcon Metcon (Time) Metcon (Time) 5 Rounds For Time: 5 Front Squats*** 10 Toes-To-Bar 15/12 Assault Bike Round 1: 95/65 Round 2: 115/75 Round 3: 135/95 Round 4: 155/105 Round 5: 185/135RX+ Numbers: Round 1: 135/95 Round 2: 155/105 Round 3: 185/135 Round 4: 205/145 Round 5: 225/155
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Push Jerk Every 3min. x 6 Rounds: 3 Push Jerks (Heavy as possible) 5-6 Weighted Chin-Ups (Underhand)*Make sure you are warm before you start. I would like ALL sets to be challenging. You may climb a little, but I do not want any easy sets. *For the weighted Chin-ups, you can stick a plate between your legs or use a belt with plates or kettlebells attached. Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 3 min to get as far as possible: 10 Double DB Snatches 45/30 20 Push Ups 30 Cal Row 40 Double Unders 50 Sit Ups 60 Pull Ups Rest 1:00 5 min to get as far as possible: (Same Workout) Rest 2:00 7 min to get as far as Possible: (same Workout)
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