BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 Rounds For Quality 200m Run 10 Empty Barbell Good Mornings 10 Empty BB Snatch 5 Empty BB Front Squat Metcon Metcon (3 Rounds for reps) 00:00-10:00 1 Mile Run Max Power Snatch 95/65 13:00-21:00 800m Run Max Power Clean 115/85 23:00-29:00 400m Run Max Front Squats 135/95
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 20min. EMOM: (5 Rounds) Min. 1) 18/14 Cal Row Min. 2) 10 Push Press 95/65 Min. 3) 18/14 Cal Assault Bike Min. 4) 10 SDHP’s 95/65 Rest 5min. 10min. EMOM: Odd: 45sec. Plank Even: Max Effort Toes-To-Bar *This is gunna get SPICY!
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Incline Barbell Bench Press (4 X 5) 4 Sets: 5-6 Incline Barbell Bench Press Immediately into; 6-8 Barbell Rows (Regular Grip) Rest 2min. Between Sets. *Try to go as heavy as possible on both lifts Metcon Metcon (Time) 15min. to try and finish… 13 Pull-Up 13 American KB Swings (53/35lb.) 13 Calorie Cardio 12 Pull-Up 12 American KB Swings 12 Calorie Cardio 11 Pull-Up 11 American KB Swings 11 Calorie Cardio … All the way to 1 of each… Should be finish-able, but definitely will be close 🙂 Let’s see if you can get it done! Ladies RX is starting at 12 instead of 13. I think starting one round lower should fix the calorie conversion and make this a close race 😉 RX+ is a 70/53lb. Kettlebell (preferred for today’s workout)
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Power Clean Power Clean After warm up sets complete: Set 1: 5 reps at 65% Set 2: 5 reps at 75% Set 3: 5 reps at 85% SUPERSET EACH SET WITH FRONT SQUAT BELOW Front Squat Front Squat After warm up sets complete: Set 1: 5 reps at 65% Set 2: 5 reps at 75% Set 3: As many reps as possible at 85% (5-8 rep range) Rest 2-3min. After Each Superset Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 15min. Running Clock… 10 Wall Balls (20/14lb.) 50 Push-Ups 20 Wall Balls 40 Push-Ups 30 Wall Balls 30 Push-Ups 40 Wall Balls 20 Push-Ups 50 Wall Balls 10 Push-Ups …In remaining time, complete as many calories as possible on the Bike/ski/rowe
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Metcon Metcon (Time) me) “Cardio Wednesday!” For Time: 400m run 120 Double-unders 400m run 100 Air Squats 400m run 80 Abmat Sit-Ups 400m run 60 Alt. DB Snatches 50/35lb 400m run 40 Toes-To-Bar 400m run 20 Handstand Push-Ups 400m run Time Cap: 35min. With the flow of the new program, I think it’s best to move Cardio Day to Wednesday for a few weeks. It’s going to give our legs some much needed rest between lunges on Monday and front squats on Thursday.
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