BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Back Rack Lunge (Double Progression Week 7) 4-6 Reps on EACH leg SUPERSET with; 10-12 Heavy DB Russian Twists Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Sets.The goal is to get ALL 3 sets (with the heaviest weight possible) for 6 reps on each leg. Once you can do that, you add 5% to the bar NEXT WEEK. That new load should knock you down to 3 sets at 4-5 reps, but eventually, you will be strong enough to do it for 3 sets of 6 again (might take a week or 2). Then we add another 5% and repeat the process. Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Get as far as possible in 18min…. 50 Cal Row 10 Box Step-Ups with (1) 50/35lb DB 40 Cal Row 20 Box Step-Ups with (1) 50/35lb DB 30 Cal Row 30 Box Step-Ups with (1) 50/35lb DB...
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