BLK LBL Fitness Club – PERFORMANCE / FITNESS PERFORMANCE Deadlift (5X3) 3 Dead Stop Deadlifts x 5 sets @ 7/10 RPE * Rest as needed between sets * Handstand Push-ups (Strict) 5 Sets: 45-55% reps of Max Unbroken Reps (SHSPU) -Record your total reps- Metcon (Time) Teams of 2 50/40 Calorie Echo Bike -into- 2 rounds: 30 Synchro Push-ups 100 ft Sandbag Front Hold Carry (each) (150/100) 30 Synchro Air Squats 100 ft Sandbag Front Hold Carry (each) (150/100) 15 Synchro Burpees to Plate 100 ft Sandbag Front Hold Carry (each) (150/100)** -into- 50/40 Calorie Echo BikeTARGET SCORE Target time: 14-16 minutes Time cap: 20 minutes FITNESS Metcon (No Measure) 35:00 EMOM Minute 1: 10 – 15 Double KB Deadlifts Minute 2: 10 – 15 American KB Swings Minute 3: 10 -15 KB Goblet Squats Minute 4: 10- 15 Burpees Minute 5: :45 Double KB Front Rack Hold Minute 6:...
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