BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®
Day 2 – Week 4
Metcon (Weight)
5 Total Sets:
3-4 Power Clean and Jerks or Snatches
25/15 Cal Echo Bike
20-30 Hanging Weighted Knee Raises
*Soon as the clock hits 6min. you start back at the top and repeat for 5 total sets. This is a 30min. straight section.
*For the knee raises choose anywhere between 5-25lb. range.
Power Clean and Jerk
This is just for scoring
Power Snatch
This is just for scoring
Accessory Work
Since today’s piece is pretty brutal. I am leaving this as an “optional” accessory section: (Pick 1)
1.) 400m Farmer Carry with (2) heavy kettlebells
2.) 3 Sets of 10-12 Barbell Skull Crushers. Rest 90sec. between sets.
3.) 3 Sets of 10-12 Barbell Bicep Curls. Rest 90sec. between sets.
4.) You can superset #2 and #3