BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Metcon Metcon (No Measure) 3 Total Sets: (0-2min.) 30/20 Cal Assault Bike (2-4min.) 5 Front Squats as heavy as possible (4-6min.) Max Effort Weighted DB Sit-Ups (45/30lb.) (6-8min.) 5 Deadlifts as heavy as possible*Soon as the clock hits 8min. you start back at the top and repeat for 3 total sets. This is a 24min. Section. *For scoring, I will put the Front Squat and Deadlift score-boxes below Front Squat (3X5) Deadlift (3X5) Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) at the 29min. Mark…. 6min. AMRAP: 6 Toes-To-Bar 9 American KB Swings (70/53lbs.)After a 5min. rest from the top section, you will hit this final finisher. Made to keep you moving quick! No pacing, JUST GO!
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Bench Press 0-4min.) 400m Run 10 Unbroken Bench Press Max Pull-Ups in remaining time… (5-6min.) Rest (6-10min.) 400m Run 8 Unbroken Bench Press Max Pull-Ups in remaining time… (10-11min.) Rest (11-15min.) 400m Run 6 Unbroken Bench Press Max Pull-Ups in remaining time… (15-16min.) Rest (16-20min.) 400m Run 4 Unbroken Bench Press Max Pull-Ups in remaining time… *The bench press numbers need to be as heavy as possible, but ideally unbroken. If you must break for a few seconds that’s fine, but try and get them all in a row! *I will put a separate score box below for the pull-up or muscle up (RX+ option) score Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Out your number of pull-ups you got total here from the above workout. If you choose to do RX+ then put your total number of muscle ups here. Put ring or bar...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Power Clean and Jerk EMOM x 3min. 10/7 Cal Bike EMOM x 3min. 3 Power Clean and Jerks @50-60% of 1RM EMOM x 3min. 10/7 Cal Bike EMOM x 3min. 2 Power Clean and Jerks @65-75% of 1RM EMOM x 3min. 10/7 Cal Bike EMOM x 3min. 1 Power Clean and Jerks @80-90% of 1RM *You stay on each section for 3min. straight before switching to the next station. The power clean and jerks go up in weight each section, but if you would like to work my cardio or work on form then keep them at 3 reps the entire time on the lighter percentages. Metcon Metcon (Time) at the 23min. Mark… 10 Rounds For Time: 10 Wall Balls (20/14lbs.) 5 Double DB Hang Cleans (50/35s)
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Back Rack Lunge 4 Total Sets: (0-2min.) 5-6 Back Lunges on each leg (2-4min.) 35/28 Cal Row (4-6min.) 20-30 Hanging Weighted Knee Raises *Soon as the clock hits 6min. you start back at the top and repeat for 4 total sets. This is an 24min. Section. *For the knee raises choose anywhere between 5-25lb. range. Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) at the 27min. Mark…. 8min. AMRAP: 8 DB Goblet Squats (70/50lb.) 12 Push-Ups
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Metcon Jay (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP x 20 MINUTES* 22 Air Squats 12 Toes to Bar 9 Burpees *Weight Vest Optional (Score is Rounds + Reps) Finisher Metcon (No Measure) Core Work: 4 Rounds: 10 hollow rocks 30 sec hollow rock hold 30 sec superman 10 V Ups 30 sec side plank left 30 sec side plank right *Focus: Minimal rest between rounds.
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