BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting 3 Supersets: 10-12 Incline DB Bench Press 10-12 Incline DB Seal Rows Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets. DB Incline Bench Press DB Incline Seal Row Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 3min. of Double Unders 3min. of Pull-Ups 1min. of Echo Bike 3min. Rest 2min. of Double Unders 2min. of Pull-Ups 1min. of Echo Bike 2min. Rest 1min. of Double Unders 1min. of Pull-Ups 1min. of Echo BikeEvery section is for MAX possible reps. A key component today is going as hard as possible on the Echo bike! That is why I left that section at only 1min. So please try and crush that section! *If you have the ability, please do strict pull-ups. You may also switch back and forth between regular pull-ups and chin-ups. *RX+ is muscle-ups
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Power Clean and Jerk 15min. to hit a heavy Power Clean & Jerk *I am not worried about anyone hitting personal records today. I just want something heavy with solid form. You may also choose to build to a heavy 2 or 3 reps if that feels more manageable today. Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 15min. AMRAP: 1 Deadlift (225/155lbs.) 3 Burpees 5 Toes-To-BarRX+ Men: 315lbs. RX+ Women: 205lbs.
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Week 3 of the 20 rep back squat program ya’ll! Here’s some important things for today: 1.) Make sure you add 5-10lb. more than what you did last week. 2.) If you failed last week for whatever reason, try that weight again or modify it to something you can hit. 3.) Shaking at about 14 reps in is normal and where the real mental toughness and results kick in 🙂 4.) GET FIRED UP AND DO WORK TODAY!! Back Squat (Week 3 of 6) Spend about 10min. working up to a HEAVY 2-3 Rep Max. Then rest up and go for your 20 rep max! *Be sure to truly hit that 2-3 Rep Max! It helps a TON in making that weight feel LIGHT on your 20 rep. Trust me, it is NEEDED. Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Get as far as possible...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Metcon Metcon (Time) 35:00 Time Cap Buy In: 800m Run 5 Rounds 27 Cal Echo Bike 21 Alt DB Snatches (50/35) 15 DB Box Step Ups 20″ (50/35) 9 Burpee Pull Ups Buy Out: 800m Run *Wear weight vest 20/14# Accessory Work Derek Weida AB Workout (No Measure) 15 Sit-ups 15 Flutter Kicks (4 Count) 15 Sit-ups 15 Leg Raises 15 Sit-ups 15 Hello Dolly’s (4 Count) 15 Sit-ups 15 Crunches 15 Sit-ups 15 Russian Twists 15 Sit-ups 15 Bicycle (4 Count) *Straight through, no rest.
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Today’s Programming Something we have never done before today… Every movement starts with a burpee. However, your hands never leave the bar… While keeping your hands on the bar, drop down and touch your chest to the bar and then perform the movement. 3-2-1 reps will go by fast, but for 50 rounds… It’s going to get tough about halfway through… Let’s see if you can finish in the 40min. time cap 🙂 Metcon (Time) 50 Rounds For Time: (25 each) “I Go, You Go Style” -3 Burpee Deadlift -2 Burpee Power Clean -1 Burpee Squat Clean Time CAP: 40min.Men’s RX: 135lbs. Men’s RX+: 155lbs. Women’s RX: 95lbs. Women’s RX+: 105lbs. *Partner number 1 must complete the entire round before partner 2 can hop in.
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