BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Day 5 – Week 3 2 Front Squats + 2 Push/Split Jerks Metcon (Weight) Build up to a heavy complex of: 2 Front Squats (out of the rack) + 2 Push or Split Jerks Rest 2min. Repeat For 4 Total Working Sets. Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 4min. Running Clock… 400m Run Immediately into max rounds and reps of: 4 Push Jerks 135/95 8 Toes-To-Bar Rest 1min. Repeat For 4 Total Rounds.*Start where you left off for each new amrap so that you just have 1 total score at the end!
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Day 4 – Week 3 DB Incline Bench Press 8-10 Incline DB Bench Press Immediately into; 8-10 Incline DB Seal Rows Rest 2min. Repeat For 4 Total Sets Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Fight Gone Bad Style! 1min. of Flat Barbell Bench Press (95/65lbs.) 1min. of Rowing For Max Cals 1min. of Wall Balls (20/14lb.) 1min. of American KB Swings (53/35lb.) 1min. of REST. Repeat For 3 TOTAL Rounds
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Day 3 – Week 3 Single Leg Deadlift 3 Working Sets: Single Leg Deadlift 8-10 Reps on each leg SUPERSET with; 10-15 Weighted DB Sit-Ups Rest 2min.*Keep continuing to try and add 5-10% more weight to the bar! Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 15min. to get as far as possible… 3 Rounds: 10 Alt. DB Lunges 50/35s 10 Pull-Ups 10 Cal Echo Bike Immediately into; 3 Rounds: 10 DB Deadlifts 50/35s 10 Pull-Ups 30 Double Unders Immediately into; 2 Rounds: 10 Alt. DB Lunges 50/35s 10 Pull-Ups 10 Cal Echo Bike Immediately into; 2 Rounds: 10 DB Deadlifts 50/35s 10 Pull-Ups 30 Double UndersThe first 2 sections have slightly different movements and then the next 2 sections are the exact same workout except it’s 2 rounds at each station instead of 3.
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Day 2 – Week 3 Spend 15min. Working on 1 of these complexes depending on your skill level: 1.) 2 Rep Max Hang Power Snatch 2.) 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Full Squat Snatch – You can drop the bar in between reps, but keep it around 5sec. – #2 is the RX+ option Hang Power Snatch (1X2) Hang Squat Snatch + Full Squat Snatch (1X2) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 12min. Running Clock… 100 Barbell Push Press (75/55lbs.) 1000m Row Max Single Devil Presses in remaining time…Men’s RX weight: 50lbs. Men’s RX+ weight: 70lbs. Women’s RX weight: 35lbs. Women’s RX+ weight: 50lbs.
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Day 1 – Week 3 Bulgarian Split Squats *Keep continuing to try and add 5-10% more weight to the bar! 8-10 Reps on each leg SUPERSET with/ 10-12 Banded Abductors on each leg Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets. Metcon Metcon (Time) 10 Rounds For Time: 11 Toes-To-Bar 11 Barbell Front Squats (75/55lbs.)
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