BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Warm-up **1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate** Banded 7’s Warmup -into- 8-minute Amrap (3-4 sets) 30-sec bike (easy pace) 5 Dumbbell Bench (lightweight – practice loading/unloading dumbbells) 5 seal pose/ down dog transitions **2. Workout Prep** 2 sets 5/4 Calorie Bike 4 Dumbbell Bench (add weight after first set) Metcon Metcon (Time) 24-18-14-10-6 Calorie Echo Bike 30-24-18-12-6 DB Bench Press (2×50/2×35) Women Calories Bike: 18-14-10-8-4 If needed Row Calories below Men Calories: 30-24-18-12-6 Women Calories: 24-20-14-10-5TARGET SCORE Target time: 10-12 minutes Time cap: 16 minutes STIMULUS and GOALS Stimulus is moderate/moderate high intensity. Athletes should utilize steady, sustainable effort on the bike and be prepared to perform strategically planned sets on bench to avoid burn out. Accessory Work Split Stance DB Romanian Deadlift (4X10) For Load Spanish Squat (4X10) For Load
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Warm-up **1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate** Hip Halo Warmup -into- 3 sets (8-10 minutes) 5 Hang Muscle Cleans 5 Front Squats 5 Hang Squat Cleans (empty bar – build across)) 30-sec single/double unders 5 GHDs to parallel or V-Ups *2. Workout Prep** 2 sets 3 Hang Squat Cleans (add weight each set) 10 Double Unders 3 GHD’s or V-Ups Metcon Metcon (3 Rounds for time) 3 sets 30 Hang Squat Cleans (75/55) 100 Double Unders 30 GHD Sit Ups (OR 30 V-Ups) -Rest 2 Minutes between sets-TARGET SCORE Target time each set: 4-5 minutes Time cap each set: 6 minutes STIMULUS and GOALS Stimulus is moderate pacing throughout sets with the goal of achieving a similar score for each set. The first set should be used as a pace setting set that the following sets will be based off of. Intensity needs...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Warm-up **1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate** Banded 7’s Warm Up -into- 10 sets “Rowling” * 1 Burpee for every meter over, or under 100m **2. Workout Prep** 5/4 Calorie Row 2 Strict Handstand Push-Ups 2 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups 5/4 Calorie Row 2 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead Metcon Metcon (Time) For Time: 25/20 Calorie Row 20 Strict handstand push-ups 25/20 Calorie Row 40 Kipping handstand push-ups 25/20 Calorie Row 60 Double Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (2×50/2×35) 25/20 Calorie RowTARGET SCORE Target time: 16-18 minutes Time cap: 22 minutes STIMULUS and GOALS Stimulus is moderate pacing across workout. Shoulder fatigue will continue to build across movements so athletes should use the rowing portions of this workout as a partial active recovery so moderate high effort can be applied to HS/DB movements. For athletes who cannot perform HSPU, have them modify this workout to strict...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Metcon Metcon (No Measure) 40:00 EMOM Minute 1:15/12 Cal Row Minute 2: 15 DB Bench Press (50s/35s) Minute 3: 15 DB Bent Over Row (50s/35s) Minute 4: 15/12 Cal Echo Bike Minute 5: 7 Sandbag Cleans (100/80) (OR Power Cleans 135/95) Minute 6: 7 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20} Minute 7: 200m Run Minute 8: Rest *Wear 20/14# Vest
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Warm-up **1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate** 3 minute Bike (easy pace) – into – Burgener Warm-up + Skill Transfer – into – 3 High Hang Snatch + 3 Hang Snatch + 3 Snatch Complex **2. Workout Prep** 2 sets 30 Sec. Bike or 100m Run (workout pace) 3 Overhead Squats (add weight) Metcon Metcon (3 Rounds for time) 4 rounds 5 Overhead Squats (135/95) 28 Cal Echo Bike (OR 400m Run) -Rest 3 Minutes- 3 rounds 4 Overhead Squats (155/105) 28 Cal Echo Bike (OR 400m Run) -Rest 3 Minutes- 2 rounds 3 Overhead Squats (185/125) 28 Cal Echo Bike (OR 400m Run)TARGET SCORE Target time Workout 1: 9-10 minutes Workout 2: 7-8 minutes Workout 3: 5-6 minutes Time cap each set Workout 1: 12 minutes Workout 2: 10 minutes Workout 3: 8 minutes STIMULUS and GOALS Stimulus is moderate intensity with...
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