BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Warm-up 3 Sets 1:00 Cardio 7 DB Bench Press (Increasing Weight) 7 Banded Bicep Curls 7 Banded Rows on Rig :15 Handstand Hold (OR Plank) FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 35:00 AMRAP 20 Cal Bike 10 DB Bench Press 10 Bench Dips 20 Cal Row 10 Alt DB Bicep Curls 10 DB Bent Over Rows 20 Cal Ski 100ft DB Farmer Carry :30 Handstand Hold (OR :30 Plank)*Moderate weight across all DB movements. *DB Bench Press, Bent Over Row and Farmer Carry should be the same weight. *Alt DB Bicep Curls will be at less weight than the other three movements.
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