BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) 5 Sets 4:00 AMRAP 3 DB Snatches 6 Burpees 9 Calorie Row/Ski Rest 2:00 between sets. Increase reps by 3 every set. PERFORMANCE Metcon (Time) 1000m Run -into- 5 Rounds 5 BMU (OR 7 Burpee Pull-Ups) 10 HSPU 20 Pistols (OR 40 Air Squats) -into- 1000m RunTARGET SCORE: Target time: Sub 20:00 Time cap: 25:00 Metcon (Checkmark) 3 Rounds 10 Hammer Curls (Moderate) 10 Banded Tricep Extensions 10 Diamond Push-Ups
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (Checkmark) 30:00 EMOM Minute 1&2: 500/400m Row Minute 3: DB Surrenders Minute 4: V-Ups Minute 5: DB Deadlifts Minute 6: Rest PERFORMANCE Deadlift 5 @ 6/10 RPE 5 @ 6/10 RPE 4 @ 7/10 RPE 4 @ 7/10 RPE 4 @ 7/10 RPE Metcon (Time) 4 Rounds 18/14 Calorie Bike 14 T2B 10 KB Front Rack Lunge (2×53/2×35)TARGET SCORE: Target time: sub 12:00 Time cap: 15:00
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 30:00 AMRAP 2 Rounds 400m Run 15Box Jump Overs 10 DB Power Cleans Rest 2:00 after every 2 rounds. PERFORMANCE Power Clean (3 @ 6/10 RPE 3 @ 6/10 RPE 3 @ 7/10 RPE 3 @ 7/10 RPE 3 @ 7/10 RPE) Metcon (5 Rounds for time) 5 Sets 50 Double Unders 25 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Power Cleans (115/75) Rest 1:00TARGET SCORE: Target time: Sub 3:00 Time cap: 3:30
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (Checkmark) 2 Sets Tabata 1: (:20 ON / :10 OFF) Calorie Ski – Rest 1:00 Tabata 2: (:20 ON / :10 OFF) Deficit Push-Ups – Rest 1:00 Tabata 3: (:20 ON / :10 OFF) KB Swings – Rest 1:00 PERFORMANCE Push Press 5 @ 6.5/10 RPE 5 @ 6.5/10 RPE 5 @ 7/10 RPE 5 @ 7/10 RPE 5 @ 7/10 RPE Metcon (Time) 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 Calorie Row 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 DB Bench Press (2X50/2×35) Strict Pull-Ups RX+ 70/50TARGET SCORE: Target time: Sub 15:00 Time cap: 20:00
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 2 Sets 6:00 AMRAP 12/10 Calorie Bike 10 KB Step Back Lunges 10 Mountain Climbers (1R+1L = 1 Rep) Rest 2:00 6:00 AMRAP 12/10 Calorie Bike 10 KB Front Squats 10 Russian Twist (1R + 1L = 1 Rep) Rest 2:00 PERFORMANCE Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 16:00 AMRAP 400m Run 12 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20) 12 DB Front Squats (2×50/2×35)TARGET SCORE: Target rounds: 4+ Bulgarian Split Squat 4×20 (10 per side) Superset with 10 weighted glute bridges
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