BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS/PERFORMANCE Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 30:00 EMOM Minute 1: 8 – 15 Calorie Ski Minute 2: 10 – 20 Incline DB Bench Press (Moderate) Minute 3: 8 – 15 Calorie Row Minute 4: 10 – 20 Alternating Jumping Lunges Minute 5: Rest
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (5 Rounds for time) 5 Sets: 12/10 Calorie Bike 6 DB Push Press (R arm) 12 DB Box Step Ups 6 DB Push Press (L arm) 12/10 Calorie Bike Rest 2:00 between sets Derek Weida AB Workout (No Measure) 15 Sit-ups 15 Flutter Kicks (4 Count) 15 Sit-ups 15 Leg Raises 15 Sit-ups 15 Hello Dolly’s (4 Count) 15 Sit-ups 15 Crunches 15 Sit-ups 15 Russian Twists 15 Sit-ups 15 Bicycle (4 Count) *Straight through, no rest. PERFORMANCE Tempo Front Squats 3 @ 6/10 RPE 3 @ 7/10 RPE 3 @ 8/10 RPE 3 @ 8/10 RPE 3 @ 8/10 RPE Tempo: 3 seconds down, 3 second pause at bottom Metcon (Time) 200m Run 10 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 GHD (OR 15 AbMat Sit Ups) 400m Run 20 Wall Balls 20 GHD (OR 30 AbMat Sit Ups) 800m Run 40...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 30:00 EMOM Minute 1: 200m Run Minute 2: 10 – 20 KB Swings Minute 3: 10 – 20 AbMat Sit Ups Minute 4: 8 – 15 Calorie Ski Minute 5: Rest PERFORMANCE Power Snatch 10:00 EMOM 1 Power snatch every minute on the minute building in weight. *Start light and build to a heavy single. Metcon (3 Rounds for time) 3 Sets 10 Devil Press(2×50/2×35) 75 Double Unders 10 Devil Press Rest 1:1TARGET SCORE Target time: Sub 3:00 Time cap: 4:00
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 6:00 AMRAP 250/200m Row 10 DB Bench Press Rest 2:00 6:00 AMRAP 250/200m Row 15 Air Squats Rest 2:00 12:00 AMRAP 500/400m Row 20 DB Bench Press 30 Air Squats PERFORMANCE Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 25:00 Partner AMRAP: 5 Strict Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats -Switch rounds back and forth with your partner- RX = Wear a 20/14# vest.TARGET SCORE Target number of rounds: 20+ rounds (total) Minimal number of rounds before scaling: 15 rounds (total)
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (Checkmark) 30:00 AMRAP (FOR QUALITY) 20/15 Calorie Ski 10 Barbell Bench Press (Moderate) 15 Banded Tricep Extensions 20/15 Calorie Bike 10 DB Hammer Curls (Moderate) 15 DB Seated Strict Press (Moderate) 20/15 Calorie Row 10 V-Ups 15 Flutter Kicks (L+R = 1 Rep) PERFORMANCE Vested Sunday (Time) 6 Rounds 30/24 Calorie Bike 20 Burpee to 6” Target 10 Alternating DB Snatches (70/50) *Wear a 20/14# vest
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