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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

Hip Halo Warmup


3 sets

30-sec bike (build in pace)

5 GHDs to parallel (focus on leg extension)

3 Front Squats (empty bar – build across)

3 Overhead Squats (empty bar – build across)

**2. Workout Prep**

Take 5-8 minutes to set up lanes and have athletes practice transitions on GHDs and Bike while working up to their workout weight for Overhead/Front Squats.


Metcon (Time)

Partner Throwdown Friday

40/32 Calorie Echo Bike

50 Front Squats (155/105)

40/32 Calorie Echo Bike

100 GHD Sit Ups or 100 V-Ups

40/32 Calorie Echo Bike

50 Overhead Squats (115/80)

40/32 Calorie Echo Bike

Individual Option

20/16 Calorie Echo Bike

25 Front Squats (155/105)

20/16 Calorie Echo Bike

50 GHD or 50 V-Ups

20/16 Calorie Echo Bike

25 Overhead Squats (115/80)

20/16 Calorie Echo Bike

*Sub 50/40 Cal Row if needed

*Advanced athletes 50/40 Cal Echo Bike

Target time: Sub 25 minutes

Time cap: 30 minutes


Let’s start the tires and light the fires here. Partners need to approach this workout aggressively with a strategy that allows both to sustain a high output. Be smart and know when to switch.

Anytime there’s multiple Assault/Echo bikes and squats then you know your legs are in for a good time. Push the sets but not to the point of failure or losing intensity.



BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

20 PVC Pass Throughs

10 PVC Around the Worlds (Left and Right)


3 sets (Empty Bar or PVC)

10 Dynamic Squat Stretch

5 Muscle Snatch

5 Snatch Push Press

5 Pressing Snatch Balance (My favorite)

**2. Skill Work**

Athletes will be working up in weight this week to a heavy snatch grip push press (back rack) + 1 snatch balance in 5 working sets. The purpose of this is to build strength and confidence in the overhead/receiving position of a snatch. Bars can be taken from the rig but athletes should take care to step back far enough so that bar won’t be dropped into the rig if the lift is missed. Demo the correct way to bail from a snatch balance both forward and backward. If athletes cannot overhead squat due to mobility restrictions, you should have them push press + push jerk from the back rack.

**3. Workout Prep**

3 sets

100m Row (at workout pace)

10 Double Unders

2 Shoulder to Overhead (Build in weight and on set 3 perform 1 rep top weight)


Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance (5X2)

10-15 Minutes

1 Snatch Push Press + 1 Snatch Balance x 5 working sets

*Build to a moderate weight

*Advance athletes are working up to a moderate-heavy weight in 5 working sets (not counting warm up sets).


Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

Teams of 2

3 sets (each OR Rest 1:1 b/t sets)

300/250m Row

50 Double Unders

5 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)

3 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)

1 Shoulder to Overhead (185/125)

*Shoulder to Overhead starts from the ground with a power or squat clean.

Target time each set: 2:15 2:30

Time cap each set: 3 minutes


Stimulus is moderate pacing on row and double unders and consistent technique application during increasingly Shoulder to Overhead. Athletes ARE allowed to have their partner change weights for them but they should be sure to keep all spare weight clear of the bar so the bar isn’t dropped on them. Additionally, make sure that athletes add full-size weights as much as possible and refrain from stacking the bar out with smaller change plates. Remember it’s 9 reps, total for Shoulder to Overhead for each set.

If you have enough bars and weights then have athletes set up 3 loaded bars for a faster and smoother sets. If time permits then have athletes go through 4 sets for a little more fun.

Individuals will just go 1:1 on their work to rest ratio.



BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

3:00 Machine (easy pace)


Burgener Warm-Up (Clean) + Skill Transfer (if time allows)

* 10 minutes with a PVC or Empty Barbell

* Perform 3-5 reps at each movement


3x High Hang Clean + 3x Hang Clean + 3x Clean (PVC or Empty Barbell)

* 5 minutes (This is strength prep)

* 2-3 Times through

* Athletes should focus on footwork and finishing their pull

**2. Strength Prep**

Athletes will spend 8-10 minutes completing 3 sets of 1 Power Clean with a barbell. Rest should be 60-90 between sets as a Power (catching above parallel). Athletes are going off of their Heavy Single from Week 1. Stay within the percentage range and show athletes how to reset correctly before going into the following rep. After the Power Clean is complete, give athletes 5-7 minutes to transition and complete 3×1 Front Squat. This is a great time to have athletes partner up and, as a coach, go around and spend a little time with each group queuing and correcting.

– Make sure athletes strip the bars down to a lighter weight and hit some warm-up squats

**3. Workout Prep**

2 sets

2 Deadlifts (work up in weight)

1 Burpee Box Get Over

10 Second Ski Erg (at workout pace)


Power Clean (3X1)

1 Power Clean x 3 sets @85-90% of 1RM Clean

* Rest 60-90 seconds between sets *

Front Squat (3X1)

1 Front Squat x 3 sets @90% of 1RM Clean

* Rest 60-90 seconds between sets *


Metcon (3 Rounds for calories)

3 Sets

5 min AMRAP


Deadlifts (275/185)

Burpee Box Get Over (30/24)

Max Calorie Ski (OR Row) in the remaining time

– 2:00 min Rest between sets –

Target number of Calories each set: 20+ Calories

Minimum number of Calories each set before scaling: 15 Calories


Stimulus is moderate high intensity during deadlifts and Burpees with increasing intensity on ski erg, building from a semi-recovery pace (just get moving) when first getting on the ski erg and finishing at a strong “push” pace by the end of the round. Set the tone early on and try to maintain or get slightly faster through the descending ladder as the workout goes on.

Athletes need to move with a purpose here, not a workout where we take our sweet time. Try keeping the Deadlift and Burpees under 3 minutes to allow for 2+ minutes of solid skiing.



BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

1 Round Through

10 yd walk on toes

10 yd walk to toes backwards

10 yd walk on heels

10 yd walk feet turned out

10 yd walk feet turned in

10 yd lunge walk-arms locked out overhead

10 yd lunge walk – torso twist towards forward leg

10 yd butt kickers

10 yd high knees


Banded 7’s

**2. Workout Prep**

1 set

50m Run (workout pace)

5 Pull-Ups

50m Run

5 Push-Ups

50m Run

10 Air Squats


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

12 min AMRAP

200m Run

10 Strict Pull-Up

-Rest 2 Min-

12 min AMRAP

200m Run

20 Push-Up

-Rest 2 Min-

12 min AMRAP

200m Run

30 Air Squat

– 2 options –

#1 at bodyweight

#2 with 20lb/14lb Vest (advanced)

*200m Run= 1 Rep

Target number of Round each set: 5-7 rounds

Minimum number Rounds before scaling: 3 rounds


Notes: Stimulus is moderate pacing. Today’s workout is tight to fit into a 60 minute period so get your classes straight into the warm up and be ready to go directly into the workout. Total time for the workout is 40 minutes.

There are two versions of this workout: bodyweight and vested (20#/14#). If Athletes have their own vest (or gym provides) and should only attempt vested if they are able to keep their intensity up when adding the additional weight.



BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

3:00 Machine (easy pace)


Hip Halo Warmup


3 sets (10 minutes)

10 Kip Swings

5 Front Squats (empty bar)

5 Push Press (empty bar)

20 Single Unders

**2. Workout Prep**

2 sets

4 Toes to Bar

4 Thrusters (empty bar)

10 Double Unders


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 12 Minutes

20 Toes to bar

40 thrusters (45/35)

100 double unders

Target Rounds: 3+

Minimum Rounds before Scaling: 2


This is a moderate effort, aiming for 80% of your max pace for the entirety of the workout. Once you get to the 10-11 minute mark, push the pace if you have anything left in the tank!

Accessory Work

4 Rounds

10 Barbell Strict Press @ 50-60% of 1rm or heavy single

10 Seated Arnold Press@ moderate weight

10 DB Snow Angel Raise@ light weight – maintain quality

15 Glute Bridges on Floor – 1 second hold at top

15 Russian Kettlebell Swing @ moderate weight

-Rest 3 min b/t round-