BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®
3 Supersets:
10-12 Incline DB Bench Press
10-12 Incline DB Seal Rows
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets.
DB Incline Bench Press
DB Incline Seal Row
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3min. of Double Unders
3min. of Pull-Ups
1min. of Echo Bike
3min. Rest
2min. of Double Unders
2min. of Pull-Ups
1min. of Echo Bike
2min. Rest
1min. of Double Unders
1min. of Pull-Ups
1min. of Echo Bike
Every section is for MAX possible reps.
A key component today is going as hard as possible on the Echo bike! That is why I left that section at only 1min. So please try and crush that section!
*If you have the ability, please do strict pull-ups. You may also switch back and forth between regular pull-ups and chin-ups.
*RX+ is muscle-ups