
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®

Today’s Programming

Day 2 – Week 1

Today is an IWT (interval weight training) piece. The point of these is to focus on our heavy lifts without a time constraint and then hammer our cardio piece separately with a 9 out of 10 effort. You will build in weight each set but start at around 80% effort.

1.) Focus on good quality reps for the lifts.

2.) SMASH the cardio, but with an effort you CAN repeat 2 minutes later

3.) Score is your total calories.

4.) The weight you lift is individualized, so challenge yourself as much as you can!


3-5 Heavy Power Snatches or Clean and Jerks (80% effort+)

Immediately into;

2min. Bike For Max Cals

Rest 2min. Repeat For 4 Total Sets

Power Snatch

Remember you are only picking one of these. Put your score in the one you choose.)

Power Clean and Jerk

Remember you are only picking one of these. Put your score in the one you choose.)


Metcon (Time)

10 Rounds For Time:

5 Hang Power Cleans 115/75

10 Push-Ups

20 Double Unders

Time CAP: 15min.
RX+ Men: 135lbs. + 30 Double Unders

RX+ Women: 95lbs. + 30 Double Unders

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