
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


Push Press (Week 2)

After warm up sets complete:

Set 1: 3 reps at 70%

Set 2: 3 reps at 80%

Set 3: Max reps at 90% (shoot for more than 3)

**YOU get to pick if you would like to do “PUSH PRESS” or “PUSH JERK” on this cycle. If you choose push press, make sure you do it right and you do not dip under the bar for any reps.

Push Jerk (Week 2)

After warm up sets complete:

Set 1: 3 reps at 70%

Set 2: 3 reps at 80%

Set 3: Max reps at 90% (shoot for more than 3)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

3min. to get as far as possible…




Wall Balls (20/14lb.)


Double Unders

Rest 1min.

6min. to get as far as possible…

(Same workout. Start back at the beginning)

Rest 2min.

9min. to get as far as possible…

(Same workout. Start back at the beginning)
To be clear, no particular section is meant to be finished, so don’t worry about that 🙂

The workout goes like this…

5 TTB + 10 WB + 20 DU’s


10 TTB + 20 WB + 40 DU’s

… And so on…

Best way to keep track is to remember that next movement is DOUBLE the reps from the previous movement 🙂

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