
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

3min AMRAP

2 Wall Walks

4 T2B

6 Burpees to Target

8 Cal Row

Rest 2:00

6min AMRAP

2 Wall Walks

4 T2B

6 Burpees to Target

8 Cal Row

Rest 2:00

9min AMRAP

2 Wall Walks

4 T2B

6 Burpees to Target

8 Cal Row

Rest 2:00

12min AMRAP

2 Wall Walks

4 T2B

6 Burpees to Target

8 Cal Row

Wear 20/14# Vest

Accessory Work

Core Finisher (No Measure)

3 Rds on 3:00:

10 V Ups

:30 Hollow Rock Hold

10 Supermans

:30 Push Up Plank Hold

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