
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®

Today’s Programming

For the next 2 weeks, we will being doing a “Bridge Cycle.” The purpose of this is to break up the stress of shooting for MAX efforts and boost training morale. During this time you can expect to see some fun conditioning pieces mixed with a little bit of traditional bodybuilding movements. We did a similar “Bridge” 3 months back and the feedback was overwhelming positive. I hope you all enjoy this little change up in the program 🙂

Back Rack Lunge

4 Total Sets:


5-6 Back Lunges on each leg


35/28 Cal Row


20-30 Hanging Weighted Knee Raises

*Soon as the clock hits 6min. you start back at the top and repeat for 4 total sets. This is an 24min. Section.

*For the knee raises choose anywhere between 5-25lb. range.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

8min. AMRAP:

6 DB Goblet Squats (70/50lb.)

12 Sit-Ups

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