
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


Day 5 – Week 4

20min. to complete 4 Total Working Sets of:

3 Heavy Front Squats

immediately into;

2-3 Heavy Cleans or Snatches.

Rest 2-3min. Between Sets

*The 3 rep front squat is as heavy as possible without failing a rep

*Ideally the clean or snatch is a squat clean or squat snatch. I would also like the heaviest 2 reps possible instead of 3. However, if you’re feeling good on a set that you would normally do 2 and you can do it for 3, then go for it! I also have the 3 rep range there for people who want to go lighter and work on technique. Put scores below.

Front Squat (4X3)

Squat Clean (4X2)

Squat Snatch (4X2)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Get as far as possible in 18min…

10 Toes-To-Bar

20 Calories of choice

10 Toes-To-Bar

30 Shoulder To Overhead (75/55lbs.)

20 Calories of choice

10 Toes-To-Bar

400m Run

30 Shoulder To Overhead (75/55lbs.)

20 Calories of choice

10 Toes-To-Bar

50 Barbell Back Squats (75/55lbs.)

400m Run

30 Shoulder To Overhead (75/55lbs.)

20 Calories of choice

10 Toes-To-Bar
For the record, you will not finish this, so don’t worry. Just get as far as you can! If you want to beef it up a little you can 95lbs. for Men and 65lbs. for Ladies.

The run is worth 40 reps in your score.

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