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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


Incline Barbell Bench Press (4 X 5)

4 Sets:

5-6 Incline Barbell Bench Press

Immediately into;

6-8 Barbell Rows (Regular Grip)

Rest 2min. Between Sets.

*Try to go as heavy as possible on both lifts


Metcon (Time)

15min. to try and finish…

13 Pull-Up

13 American KB Swings (53/35lb.)

13 Calorie Cardio

12 Pull-Up

12 American KB Swings

12 Calorie Cardio

11 Pull-Up

11 American KB Swings

11 Calorie Cardio

… All the way to 1 of each…

Should be finish-able, but definitely will be close 🙂 Let’s see if you can get it done!

Ladies RX is starting at 12 instead of 13. I think starting one round lower should fix the calorie conversion and make this a close race 😉

RX+ is a 70/53lb. Kettlebell (preferred for today’s workout)