
BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (No Measure) 30:00 AMRAP 20/15 Calorie Bike 10 Bench Press (Moderate) 15 Banded Tricep Extensions 20/15 Calorie Ski 10 Alternating DB Bicep Curls (Each arm) (Moderate) 10 Ring Rows 20/15 Calorie Row 10 Step Back Lunges 100′ KB Farmer Carry (Heavy) PERFORMANCE Metcon (Time) 5...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – WEIGHTLIFTING Pressing Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat 2 Pressing Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead Squats @ 5/10 RPE 2 Pressing Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead Squats @ 5/10 RPE 2 Pressing Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead Squats @ 5.5/10 RPE 2 Pressing Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead Squats @ 5.5/10...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS/PERFORMANCE Metcon (Time) “Jerry and Grace Combo” Teams of 2 For Time: 1000m Row (250m intervals) 800m Run (200m intervals) 1000m Row 15 Clean and Jerks (135/95lbs.) 15 Clean and Jerks (155/105lbs.) 15 Clean and Jerks (185/135lbs.) 1000m Row 800m Run 1000m Row 10 Clean and Jerks...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 2 Sets Tabata 1: (:20 ON / :10 OFF) Calorie Bike – Rest 1:00 Tabata 2: (:20 ON / :10 OFF) Alternating Single Arm Devil Press – Rest 1:00 Tabata 3: (:20 ON / :10 OFF) Plank Dumbbell Drag – Rest 1:00...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 20:00 AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10… 25ft Shuttle Run Burpee to Target 4-8-12-16-20… Russian KB Swings (53/35) Metcon (Checkmark) 4 Rounds 10 Alternating DB Hammer Curls (Heavy)(5 Each Arm) 15 Push Ups 20 Banded Tricep Extensions Rest 1:00 after each round.
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 30:00 AMRAP 3 Rounds 21 Calorie Bike 15 Slam Balls 9 Slam Ball Squat Cleans Rest 3:00 after every 3 rounds. PERFORMANCE Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 24:00 AMRAP 6 Deadlift (225/155) 9 T2B 12 KB Box Step Ups (24/20) (53/35)...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 20:00 EMOM (:40 ON / :20 OFF) Minute 1: Max Calorie Ski (OR Row) Minute 2: Max Alternating DB Snatch Minute 3: Max Burpee Over DB Minute 4: Rest Derek Weida AB Workout (No Measure) 15 Sit-ups 15 Flutter Kicks (4 Count)...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 30:00 AMRAP 3 Rounds 6 Single Arm KB Thrusters (Right) 12 Box Jumps 6 Single Arm KB Thrusters (Left) 12/10 Calorie Bike Rest 2:00 after every 3 rounds. PERFORMANCE Front Squat + Back Squat 2 Front Squat + 2 Back...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS Metcon (Checkmark) 30:00 AMRAP 20/16 Calorie Bike 10 DB Bench Press 20 GHD (OR 30 AbMat Sit-ups) 20/16 Calorie Row 10 Strict Pull-Ups 20 DB Bicep Curls 20/16 Calorie Ski 10 Banded Tricep Extensions 20 Flutter Kicks PERFORMANCE THE CHIEF – ENDURANCE VERSION (AMRAP – Rounds...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Metcon (Time) Teams of 2 Buy In 800m Partner Run -Into- 100 Burpee Box Jump Overs 100 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35) 100/80 Calorie Bike -Into- Buy Out 800m Partner RunTARGET SCORE Target time: Sub 25:00 Time cap: 35:00
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