
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


Day 4 – Week 4

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

7 Rounds: (35min. Total)

40sec. of Rowing (Goal: 12-18 Cals)

20sec. of Rest

40sec. of DB Bench Press (Goal: 10-12 Reps)

20sec. of Rest

40sec. of Double Unders (Goal: 50 )

20sec. of Rest

40sec. of American KB Swings (Goal 10-15 Reps)

20sec. of Rest

40sec. of Box Jumps (24/20″) (Goal: 15-20 reps)

20sec. of Rest
Some weight recommendations for the Men:

Bench Press: 50-70lbs.

Kettlebell: 53-70lbs.

Some weight recommendations for the Women:

Bench Press: 25-45lbs.

Kettlebell: 35-53lbs.

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