
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


Back Squat

20:00 to build to a heavy

20 Rep Back Squat

* I suggest you build by reps of 5 and plan to hit 1-2 actual sets of 20. DO NOT build by doing all 20 reps every time.
Try and add 5-10lbs onto whatever you did last week. If you failed, try the same weight or lighter. You only get 1 shot at this. DIG DEEP!


Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

4 ROUNDS of:

3min. AMRAP:

15/12 Cal Row

Immediately into;

As many rounds as possible in remaining time of:

5 Pull-Ups

6 Push-Ups

7 Front Squats 95/65lbs.

Rest 1 min

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