BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Performance Crossfit Games Open 21.1 RX (Ages 16-54) (Time) For Time: 1 wall walk 10 double-unders 3 wall walks 30 double-unders 6 wall walks 60 double-unders 9 wall walks 90 double-unders 15 wall walks 150 double-unders 21 wall walks 210 double-unders Time cap: 15 minTo learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 RX (Ages 16-54) click here Score is total reps completed at the Open 15 minute time cap. We are allowing you to continue, with a 20 minute cap. Comment with your finish time if you finish. (Scale) 1 Bear Crawl 10 Jumping Jacks 3 Bear Crawls 30 Jumping Jacks 6 Bear Crawls 60 Jumping Jacks 9 Bear Crawls 90 Jumping Jacks 15 Bear Crawls 150 Jumping Jacks 21 Bear Crawls 210 Jumping Jacks Target time: 15-17 minutes Time Cap: 20 minutes BLFC Mini-Pump – Chest and Triceps (Checkmark) 3-4 Rounds...
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