BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Push Jerk BIG Push/Pull EMOM EMOM x 20min. Min. 1) 5 Push Jerks (Climbing) Min. 2) *Pick One Options: *30sec. of Kipping Pull-Ups *5 Muscle Ups *3-5 Weighted Pull-Ups Important Notes: Only choose 1 option above and stick to it the whole time. You may take the push jerk out of the rack and climb a little each round OR take it off the ground. Put your heaviest weight in for the score. Metcon Metcon (Time) 15min. AMRAP: 5-10-15-20-25 Burpees 10-20-30-40-50 Wall Balls (20/14lb.) 20-40-60-80-100 Double Unders
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Metcon Metcon We have a 4 part section here with 4 separate scores! Go hard on each one and let’s see where everyone stacks up today! Here’s the flow: (0-8min.) 1 Mile Run (8-16min.) Find your 3 Rep Max Deadlift (16-24min.) Bike 80/55 Calories (24-32min.) Find your 3 Rep Max Bench Press 1-Mile Run (Time) Max Effort 1-Mile Run Deadlift (3 Rep Max) 80/55 Cal Echo Bike (Time) 80 Cal for Men 55 Cal for Women Bench Press (3 Rep Max)
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds) EMOM x 10min. Odd: 3 Power Cleans (climbing in weight) Even: 15/12 Cal Row (Every other round do 15 Toes-To-Bar) immediately into; EMOM x 10min. Odd: 3 Back Squats (climbing in weight) Even: 15/12 Cal Row (Every other round do 15 Toes-To-Bar)20min. Straight EMOM here. The first 10min. you are building up to a 70-80% effort 3 rep Power Clean. The next 10min. is a 3 rep back squat out of the rack at the same percentage. Every other round you switch between rowing and toes to bar, to keep it fun 🙂 Put your weights in the sections below and put your score as 20 rounds if you finished all sections here. Power Clean (5X3) Back Squat (5X3) Metcon (Time) At the 25min. mark; For Time: 10 DB Snatch (right) 10 DB Snatch (left) 10 DB Goblet Squats...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® CAMILLERI (Time) 3 Rounds for Time 400 meter Run 12 Pull-Ups 300 meter Run 24 Air Squats 200 meter Run 17 Push-Ups 100 meter Run 33 AbMat Sit-Ups Wear a Weight Vest (20/14 lb)Background: Dedicated to Officer Andrew J. Camilleri, Sr., California Highway Patrol, who was killed when his patrol car was struck by a drunk driver on I-880, near Route 92, in Hayward, CA, on December 24, 2017
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Hang Power Snatch (1X1) In Teams of 2: Build to a 1RM Hang Power Snatch in 8 Minutes. *At 8 minutes go immediately into Metcon. Metcon (Time) Metcon Teams of 2 @ 8:00 80/60 Cal. Row 30 Syncro Bar Facing Burpees @ 16:00 80/60 Cal. Ski 30 Syncro BFB @24:00 80/60 Cal. Echo Bike 30 Syncro BFB* 7 min Time Cap each workout, Split calories up as needed*
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