BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Today’s Programming Today is our conditioning only day again! We’ve done much shorter versions of this piece before with a max lift at the end and everyone usually loves how it makes them feel. So for CARDIO DAY, I beefed it up a little and added the 800m and 1000m sections. Just like last week, I am not super concerned about you hitting this as hard as possible. Use about 75-80% effort and just get it done! A really awesome substitute is swapping out the run for the ski erg! (same amount of meters) Metcon (Time) For Time: Run 1000m Row 200m Run 800m Row 400m Run 600m Row 600m Run 400m Row 800m Run 200m Row 1000m Accessory Work Some extra bonus CORE work if you like: 8 Rounds: 20sec. of Russian DB Twists (35/20lb.) 10sec. Rest
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