BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Metcon Metcon (Time) Team “Triple 3” In Teams of 2: For time: 3,000m row 300 double-unders 3 mile run This was a 2018 CrossFit Games event with the individual average time coming in at about 44min. for men and 50min. for women. Let’s see what you guys/gals can do as a team 🙂 Only 1 person works at a time. Break it up however you like! I suggest 250m on the row and 200m or 400m runs, but ultimately it’s up you and your teammate. Whatever you think is going to het you done the fastest! Time CAP: 45min.
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Day 5 – Week 5 – Superset the 2 movements below. – Rest 2-3min. between sets Bench Press (5X5) Your goal is to try and lift 2.5-5% more weight than last week. Deadlift (5X5) Your goal is to try and lift 2.5-5% more weight than last week. Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 15min. AMRAP: 50 DB Bench Press 50 Strict Pull-Ups *Every time you break, complete 10 Cals on the BikeWorks like this… You must complete all 50 DB Bench Press before you can go to the 50 Pull-Ups. Each time you break, you must complete 10 Cals on the assault bike as a penalty. If you happen to finish both (bench and pull-ups) under 15min. then you start back on the bench press and continue to keep getting as many reps as possible. RX Men Weight: 50s Advanced Men Weight: 70s RX...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Day 4 – Week 5 – Superset the 2 movements below. – Rest 2-3min. between sets Back Squat (5X5) Your goal is to try and lift 2.5-5% more weight than last week. Hang Power Clean (5X2) We did 3 rep last week, so lets up the weight a little bit for these 2 reps and go as heavy as you can without any misses. We are starting to get really strong on our 5×5 lifts, so you might be feeling a little gassed here this and that’s fine. We aren’t looking for all time best lifts on the second movement in a superset. Just good quality reps. Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 3min. AMRAP: 20 Alternating DB Snatch 20 Alternating DB Lunges 20 Cal Row Rest 1min. 5min. AMRAP: 30 Alternating DB Snatch 30 Alternating DB Lunges 30 Cal Row Rest 2min. 7min....
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Metcon Metcon (Time) 40min. to try and finish…. 5 Rounds: 15 Sit-Ups 30 Double Unders 400m Farmer Carry with (1) Kettlebell 4 Rounds: 10 Toes-To-Bar 20 Wall Balls 400m Farmer Carry with (1) Kettlebell 3 Rounds: 15 Sit-Ups 30 Double Unders 400m Farmer Carry with (1) Kettlebell 2 Rounds: 10 Toes-To-Bar 20 Wall Balls 400m Farmer Carry with (1) Kettlebell 1 Round: 15 Sit-Ups 30 Double UndersRX Men Weight: 53lb. Advanced Men Weight: 70lb. RX Women Weight: 35lb. Advanced Women Weight: 53lb.
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Weightlifting Day 2 – Week 5 – Superset the 2 movements below. – Rest 2-3min. between sets Push Jerk (5X5) Your goal is to try and lift 2.5-5% more weight than last week. Weighted Pull-ups (5X5) Your goal is to try and lift 2.5-5% more weight than last week. Metcon Metcon (Time) 8 Rounds For Time: 8 DB Push Press (50/35s) 8 American KB Swings (70/53lb.) 8 Cal Echo Bike 8 Air Squats
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