BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds) 5 Rounds: Min 1) 12/10 Cal Bike Min 2) 15 SDHP’s (95/65lbs.) Min 3) 50 Double Unders Min 4) 200m Run Min 5) 12-18 DB Box Step Ups (20″) Min 6) Max Sit-Ups Min 7) RestI want today to be fun, but also a little personal in terms of difficulty. So I am going to throw a few optional choices in here to beef it up. Pick anywhere between none of them to all of them 🙂 1.) Do 5 muscle ups instead of SDHP’s 2.) 75 Double Unders instead of 50 3.) 200m Ski instead of Row 4.) Max GHD Sit-Ups instead of regular 5.) 10 SDHP with 135/95 instead of 15 at 95/65 *Also, for the DB Step Overs, go as heavy as you can. RX is 50 for men and 35 for ladies, but I think...
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