BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Warm-up **1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate** Hip Halo Warmup -into- 10 min AMRAP 1 min machine of choice 5 Deadbugs (each side) 5 Bird Dogs (each side) 5 Deadlifts (empty – build across) 5 Updowns to Seal Pose **2. Workout Prep** Allow athletes time to practice the “Get Over” while still building up in weight. Metcon Metcon (Time) For Time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift (275/185) Burpee Box Get Overs 48″/42″*If you’re not comfortable with “Burpee Box Get Overs” sub the following: 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Burpees TARGET SCORE Target time: 10-12 minutes Time cap: 16 minutes STIMULUS and GOALS Open is over, but we can still have fun with this couplet. Unlike the Open, we are starting from the top and just working out way down, weight is up, and the box couldn’t be any higher. Athletes should start with a moderate/steady pace through the round of...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Warm-up **1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate** Banded 7’s Warmup + Hip Halo Warmup -into- 3 sets 10 PVC Pipe Pass Throughs 10 Walking Lunge Steps **2. Skill Work** Begin setting athletes up and marking for their split jerk position. Have athletes partner up to help mark and have another set of eyes helping. **3. Workout Prep** 1 set 20 Sec. Bike 5 Thrusters (focus on pausing and breathing at the top) 2 Strict pull Ups Split Jerk (1X1) 10-15 Minutes of Practice – Stay light and focus on form Focus During this time we want athletes to establish a proper set up and catch in the split jerk. Take some time and have athletes just practice with PVC/Empty barbell. Advance athletes can add weight but stay light (No Maxing) Focus on pausing in the catch and remember to ALWAYS recover with the...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Warm-up **1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate** 10 min AMRAP 30 sec Row 3 world’s greatest stretch (each side) 3 Down Dog/Seal Pose Transitions 5 Iron Cross (each side) 5 Scorpions (each side) **2. Workout Prep** 30 Sec Row (Slow/Moderate Pace) 30 Sec Row (Easy Pace) 20 Sec Row (Moderate/Fast Pace) 20 Sec Row (Easy Pace) 10 Sec Row (Sprint) 10 Sec Row (Easy Pace) Metcon if rowers are full, then perform a 5k run. 5k Row (Time) Max Effort 5k RowTARGET SCORE Target time: 20-22 minutes Time cap: 30 minutes STIMULUS and GOALS Stimulus is low to moderate pacing across the total distance. This workout is a great test in building mental toughness where athletes will need to focus on settling in early on with a slower then normal pace and save the push until the final 300m. Turn on a great...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Warm-up **1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate** Banded 7’s Warmup -into- Hip Halo Warmup -into- 3 sets (6-8 minutes) 10-sec handstand hold 5 Knees to Elbows 5 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts 5 Double Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans 5 Double Dumbbell Front Squat 5 Double Dumbbell Push Press **2. Workout Prep** 2 sets (build up in weight) 3 Double Dumbbell Clean and Jerks 3 Toes to Bar 3 Double Dumbbell Front Squats 3 Handstand Push Ups Metcon Metcon (2 Rounds for time) 4 rounds 15 Double Dumbbell Cleans (50s/35s) 15 Toes to Bar -Rest 5 minutes- 4 rounds 15 Dumbbell Front Squats (50s/35s) 15 Handstand Push-upsTARGET SCORE Target time for each workout: 6-7 minutes Time cap for each workout: 10 minutes STIMULUS and GOALS Stimulus is moderate to moderate high intensity. Athletes have a low volume on today’s workout which will allow them to push...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit® Warm-up **1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate** 3:00 Machine (easy pace) -into- Burgener Warm-Up (Clean) + Skill Transfer (if time allows) * 10 minutes with a PVC or Empty Barbell * Perform 3-5 reps at each movement -into- 3x High Hang Clean + 3x Hang Clean + 3x Clean (PVC or Empty Barbell) * 5 minutes (This is strength prep) * 2-3 Times through * Athletes should focus on footwork and finishing their pull **2. Strength Prep** Athletes will spend 10 minutes building to a heavy single on cleans with a barbell. The rep is performed as a squat or power clean (if needed to scale). Athletes can continue to build as long as sound form can be demonstrated during attempts. The difference between a heavy single and 1 rep max is that a heavy single is a successful attempt that the athlete...
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