BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Performance Deadstop Deadlift Build up to a Heavy 2-rep Deadstop Deadlift (Clean Grip) in 15:00 Gyros (Time) (RX’d) 30 GHDs (or V-Ups) 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 Toes to Bar 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 GHDs (or V-Ups) (Scale) 30 Sit Ups 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 20 Wall Ball Thrusters (light) 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 20 Hanging Knee Raises 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 20 Wall Ball Thrusters (light) 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 30 Sit Ups Target time: 11-13 minutes Time cap: 15 minutes Mobility (No Measure) 3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.) 1 Minute Couch Stretch 2x 10 Reverse Leg Raises (each side) 1 Minute Barbell Forearm Stretch Note: the easy cardio portion...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Performance Deadstop Deadlift Build up to a Heavy 2-rep Deadstop Deadlift (Clean Grip) in 15:00 Gyros (Time) (RX’d) 30 GHDs (or V-Ups) 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 Toes to Bar 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 GHDs (or V-Ups) (Scale) 30 Sit Ups 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 20 Wall Ball Thrusters (light) 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 20 Hanging Knee Raises 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 20 Wall Ball Thrusters (light) 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 30 Sit Ups Target time: 11-13 minutes Time cap: 15 minutes Mobility (No Measure) 3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.) 1 Minute Couch Stretch 2x 10 Reverse Leg Raises (each side) 1 Minute Barbell Forearm Stretch Note: the easy cardio portion...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Performance Deadstop Deadlift Build up to a Heavy 2-rep Deadstop Deadlift (Clean Grip) in 15:00 Gyros (Time) (RX’d) 30 GHDs (or V-Ups) 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 Toes to Bar 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 GHDs (or V-Ups) (Scale) 30 Sit Ups 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 20 Wall Ball Thrusters (light) 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 20 Hanging Knee Raises 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 20 Wall Ball Thrusters (light) 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 30 Sit Ups Target time: 11-13 minutes Time cap: 15 minutes Mobility (No Measure) 3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.) 1 Minute Couch Stretch 2x 10 Reverse Leg Raises (each side) 1 Minute Barbell Forearm Stretch Note: the easy cardio portion...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Performance Deadstop Deadlift Build up to a Heavy 2-rep Deadstop Deadlift (Clean Grip) in 15:00 Gyros (Time) (RX’d) 30 GHDs (or V-Ups) 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 Toes to Bar 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 30 GHDs (or V-Ups) (Scale) 30 Sit Ups 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 20 Wall Ball Thrusters (light) 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 20 Hanging Knee Raises 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 20 Wall Ball Thrusters (light) 10 Box Step Ups (24/20) 30 Sit Ups Target time: 11-13 minutes Time cap: 15 minutes Mobility (No Measure) 3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.) 1 Minute Couch Stretch 2x 10 Reverse Leg Raises (each side) 1 Minute Barbell Forearm Stretch Note: the easy cardio portion...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Performance Chameleon (Time) (RX’d) 3 rounds 25/20 Calorie Air Bike (or 1000/850m Bike Erg) 10 Strict Weighted Chin Ups (35/25) (KG conv: 15/10) (Scaled) 3 rounds 15/12 Calorie Air Bike (or 750/675m Bike Erg) 10 Jumping Chin Ups Target time: 10-12 minutes Time cap: 15 minutes Fitness (Active Recovery) Recovery Workout (Checkmark) Progressive Run or Trail Run or Hike 45-60 Minutes *5 min warm up, then 10 min easy, 10 min moderate, 10 min hard, cool down pace remaining time.
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