BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Performance Greek Salad (Checkmark) (RX’d) Every 1:00 (10:00) 200/175m Row -rest 2:00- Every 1:00 (10:00) 6 Power Snatch (115/80) (Scale) Every 1:00 (10:00) 150/125m Row -rest 2:00- Every 1:00 (10:00) 10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (light) Target time each set: Set 1: 38-45 seconds Set 2: 12-15 seconds Time cap each set: Set 1: 50 seconds Set 2: 20 seconds Handstand Push-ups (Checkmark) Choose between the Strength Option OR the Conditioning Option (don’t do both). For the conditioning option, athletes should be able to do 10+ strict handstand push-ups, unbroken. Strength Option 5 sets, beginning a set every 2 minutes (E2MOM10) Level 1: 5 reps: kick up + 3-second descent + 1 strict handstand push-up Level 2: 3-5 reps: kick up + 3-second descent + kick down reset Level 3: 3-5 reps: 3-second descent + strict handstand push-up (knees or feet on box)...
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