BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Warm-up Warm Up (No Measure) 1. Movement Prep/Activation Hip Halo + Banded 7s -into- 10:00 AMRAP 10 Box Step Ups 10 Dumbbell Suitcase Deadlifts (each) 5 Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press 1 Wall Walk 2. Workout Prep 2 sets 10ft Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge (L and R) 4 Alternating Single Dumbbell Step Ups 2 Strict Handstand Push Ups 10ft Handstand Walk Workout Crossfit Games Open 19.3 (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps) 200-ft. dumbbell overhead lunge 50lb/35lb 50 dumbbell box step-ups 24in/20in 50 strict handstand push-ups 200-ft. handstand walk Time cap: 10 minutes Freedom (RX’d) For time 200ft Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge (50/35) 50 Alternating Single Dumbbell Step Up (50/35) (24/20) 50 Strict Handstand Push Ups 200ft Handstand Walk (KG Conv 22.5/15) * Score is reps completed at the Open 10-minute time cap. But we’d like you to finish the workout, so put...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Performance Turkish Get Up 5 x 2 reps (each side) *Use a weight that is challenging but allows for good form throughout reps Crossfit Games Open 19.3 (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps) 200-ft. dumbbell overhead lunge 50lb/35lb 50 dumbbell box step-ups 24in/20in 50 strict handstand push-ups 200-ft. handstand walk Time cap: 10 minutes (RX’d) For time 200ft Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge (50/35) 50 Alternating Single Dumbbell Step Up (50/35) (24/20) 50 Strict Handstand Push Ups 200ft Handstand Walk (KG Conv 22.5/15) * Score is reps completed at the Open 10-minute time cap. But we’d like you to finish the workout, so put your overall time in your score comments. Scale For time 200ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge (light) 50 Alternating Box Step Ups (20/16) 50 Bar Push Ups 200ft Bear Crawl Target time: 13-15 minutes Time cap: 18 minutes Fitness (No Measure)...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Performance Dead-Stop Shoulder Press 6 sets 3 Dead-Stop Shoulder Press (Build in weight) – Rest 60-90 seconds between sets- Terk (Time) (RX’d) 3 Rounds 40/32 Calorie Row 25 Strict Sit Ups Scale 3 Rounds 25/20 Calorie Row 20 Sit Ups Target timet: 13-15 minutes Time cap: 18 minutes Fitness (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 75/50 Cal Echoe Bike Then AMRAP until 12:00 4 Sandbag/DBall Over Shoulder 8 Pull Ups (Banded/Ring Rows) 32 Single Unders Jump Rope Accessory (No Measure) Slow 2:00 Bike or Walk Couch Stretch 1:00 r/l Banded Shoulder/Lat/Chest/Tricep Standing Hamstring Calf
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Warm-up Warm Up (No Measure) 1. Movement Prep/Activation Banded 7s -into- 8:00 AMRAP 30-second Row 5 Half Kneeling Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Press (each) 10 Alt. V-Ups 10 Bird Dogs 5 Downward Dog to Upward Dog 2. Strength 6 sets 3 Dead-Stop Shoulder Press (Build in weight) 3. Workout Prep 1 set 5/4 Calorie Row 4 Strict Sit Ups Strength/Accessory Dead-Stop Shoulder Press 6 sets 3 Dead-Stop Shoulder Press (Build in weight) – Rest 60-90 seconds between sets- Workout Terk (Time) Freedom (RX’d) 3 Rounds 40/32 Calorie Row 25 Strict Sit Ups Independence 3 Rounds 35/28 Calorie Row 20 Strict Sit Ups Liberty 3 Rounds 25/20 Calorie Row 20 Sit Ups Target timet: 13-15 minutes Time cap: 18 minutes Cooldown/Mobility Mobility (No Measure) 3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.) 1 Minute Dorsiflexion Matrix...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Performance Dead-Stop Shoulder Press 6 sets 3 Dead-Stop Shoulder Press (Build in weight) – Rest 60-90 seconds between sets- Terk (Time) (RX’d) 3 Rounds 40/32 Calorie Row 25 Strict Sit Ups Scale 3 Rounds 25/20 Calorie Row 20 Sit Ups Target timet: 13-15 minutes Time cap: 18 minutes Fitness (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 75/50 Cal Echoe Bike Then AMRAP until 12:00 4 Sandbag/DBall Over Shoulder 8 Pull Ups (Banded/Ring Rows) 32 Single Unders Jump Rope Accessory (No Measure) Slow 2:00 Bike or Walk Couch Stretch 1:00 r/l Banded Shoulder/Lat/Chest/Tricep Standing Hamstring Calf
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