
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

3:00 Machine (easy pace)


Burgener Warm-Up (Clean) + Skill Transfer (if time allows)

* 10 minutes with a PVC or Empty Barbell

* Perform 3-5 reps at each movement


3x High Hang Clean + 3x Hang Clean + 3x Clean (PVC or Empty Barbell)

* 5 minutes (This is strength prep)

* 2-3 Times through

* Athletes should focus on footwork and finishing their pull

**2. Strength Prep**

Athletes will spend 8-10 minutes completing 3 sets of 1 Clean with a barbell. The reps are performed in a squat or power clean (if needed to scale). Athletes are going off of their Heavy Single from Week 1. Stay within the percentage range and show athletes how to reset correctly before going into the following rep. After the Clean is complete, give athletes 5-7 minutes to transition and complete 3×3 Clean Grip Deadlifts. This is a great time to have athletes partner up and, as a coach, go around and spend a little time with each group queuing and correcting.

**3. Workout Prep**

2 sets:

5 Deadlifts

3 Handstand Push-Ups

20 Second Echo Bike (Moderate Pace)

– rest 30 seconds between sets –

Clean (3X1)

1 Clean x 3 sets @85-90% of 1RM Clean

* Rest 60-90 seconds between sets *

Clean Deadlift (3X3)

3 Clean Grip Deadlifts x 3 sets @100% of 1RM Clean

* Rest 60-90 seconds between sets *


Metcon (5 Rounds for calories)

5 Sets:

2 min AMRAP

15 Deadlifts (135/95)

15 Handstand Push-Ups

Max Calorie Echo Bike (OR Max Air Squats)

-Rest 2 Minutes between sets-

Target number of calories each set: 12/10+ calories

Minimum number calories before scaling: 8/6 Calories


Stimulus is high intensity. Athletes will be working through Deadlifts and Handstand Push-Ups to earn time on the assault bike (each round is scored by calories). Athletes should be able to work through Deadlifts and HSPU at a consistent pace across rounds and ideally have 30-45 seconds to work on the bike. If athletes do not have at least 30 seconds on the bike, they should modify both movements by 3 reps each round until they can hit this suggested bike work time..

The first set should be a little conservative for athletes on the pace to see if they can increase or maintain across sets.

Similar style to last week workout, but a lot lighter and quicker through the two movements

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