
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


Day 3 – Week 3

Single Leg Deadlift

3 Working Sets:

Single Leg Deadlift

8-10 Reps on each leg


10-15 Weighted DB Sit-Ups

Rest 2min.
*Keep continuing to try and add 5-10% more weight to the bar!


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

15min. to get as far as possible…

3 Rounds:

10 Alt. DB Lunges 50/35s

10 Pull-Ups

10 Cal Echo Bike

Immediately into;

3 Rounds:

10 DB Deadlifts 50/35s

10 Pull-Ups

30 Double Unders

Immediately into;

2 Rounds:

10 Alt. DB Lunges 50/35s

10 Pull-Ups

10 Cal Echo Bike

Immediately into;

2 Rounds:

10 DB Deadlifts 50/35s

10 Pull-Ups

30 Double Unders
The first 2 sections have slightly different movements and then the next 2 sections are the exact same workout except it’s 2 rounds at each station instead of 3.

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