BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®
Bench Press
400m Run
10 Unbroken Bench Press
Max Pull-Ups in remaining time…
400m Run
8 Unbroken Bench Press
Max Pull-Ups in remaining time…
400m Run
6 Unbroken Bench Press
Max Pull-Ups in remaining time…
400m Run
4 Unbroken Bench Press
Max Pull-Ups in remaining time…
*The bench press numbers need to be as heavy as possible, but ideally unbroken. If you must break for a few seconds that’s fine, but try and get them all in a row!
*I will put a separate score box below for the pull-up or muscle up (RX+ option) score
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Out your number of pull-ups you got total here from the above workout.
If you choose to do RX+ then put your total number of muscle ups here. Put ring or bar in the comments 🙂
Metcon (Time)
At the 25min. Mark….
For Time:
50 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″