BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Warm-up Warm Up (No Measure) 1. Movement Prep/Activation 2:00 Machine -into- 10:00 AMRAP 10 Roll and Reach 10 Deadbugs 10m Sled Push (empty) 10 Dynamic Squat Stretches 2. Workout Prep 3 sets: (each/1:1) 25ft Front Rack Carry (build in weight) 5/4 Calorie Air Bike 10ft Sled Push (build in weight) 5 Air Squats Workout Thunderhead (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Freedom (RX’d) Teams of 2 32:00 AMRAP (1:1) 100ft Dumbbell Front Rack Carry (50s/35s) 15/12 Calorie Air Bike 100ft Sled Push (2×45/2×35) (or weighted lunge, 50s/35s) 20 Air Squats (KG conv: 22.5/15 DBs, 40/30 Sled) Independence Teams of 2 32:00 AMRAP (1:1) 100ft Dumbbell Front Rack Carry (35s/25s) 12/10 Calorie Air Bike 100ft Sled Push (2×35/2×25) (or weighted lunge) 15 Air Squats (KG conv: 15/10 DBs, 30/25 Sled) Liberty Teams of 2 32:00 AMRAP (1:1) 50ft Dumbbell Front Rack Carry (light) 10/8...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Thunderhead (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) (RX’d) Teams of 2 32:00 AMRAP (1:1) 100ft Dumbbell Front Rack Carry (50s/35s) 15/12 Calorie Air Bike 100ft Sled Push (2×45/2×35) (or weighted lunge, 50s/35s) 20 Air Squats (Scale) Teams of 2 32:00 AMRAP (1:1) 50ft Dumbbell Front Rack Carry (light) 10/8 Calorie Air Bike 50ft Sled Push (light) (or weighted lunge) 10 Air Squats Target number of Rounds: 5+ rounds Minimum number of Rounds before scaling: 4 rounds BLFC Mini-Pump – Glutes and Core (Checkmark) 4 rounds: 10 Dumbbell Weighted Hip Thrust @ moderate weight -rest 30 seconds- 10 Kneeling Banded Hip Extension @ moderate weight -rest 30 seconds- 7 Alligator Rolls (each side) -Rest 2 minutes between rounds- * Instead of resting 30-seconds, athletes can partner up and go 1:1 on movements and advance together to the next station when their partner finishes. Dumbbell...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Warm-up Warm Up (No Measure) 1. Movement Prep/Activation 8:00 AMRAP 3 Inch Worms 3 Clean Deadlifts (empty bar) 3 Hang Muscle Cleans (empty bar) 3 Shoulder Press (empty bar) 10 Deadbugs 6 Box Step Ups 2. Strength Every 2:00 (6 sets) 2 Power Cleans + 2 Push Jerks (moderate-heavy) – complete unbroken, build-in sets- 3. Workout Prep 2 sets: 2 Shoulder to Overhead (build in weight) 2 Deadlifts (build in weight) 2 Box Jumps (build in height) Strength/Accessory Power Clean + Push Jerk Every 2:00 (6 sets) 2 Power Cleans + 2 Push Jerks (moderate-heavy) – complete unbroken, build-in sets- Workout CrossFit Games Open 13.2 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 10 Min AMRAP 5 Shoulder to Overhead 115# / 75# 10 Deadlifts 115# / 75# 15 Box Jumps 24″ / 20″Independence 10:00 AMRAP 5 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65) 10 Deadlifts (95/65) 15...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Power Clean + Push Jerk Every 2:00 (6 sets) 2 Power Cleans + 2 Push Jerks (moderate-heavy) – complete unbroken, build-in sets- CrossFit Games Open 13.2 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 10 Min AMRAP 5 Shoulder to Overhead 115# / 75# 10 Deadlifts 115# / 75# 15 Box Jumps 24″ / 20″(Scale) 10:00 AMRAP 5 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (light) 10 Dumbbell Deadlifts (light) 15 Box Step Ups (20/16) Target number of Rounds: 7+ rounds Minimum number of Rounds: 5 rounds Mobility (No Measure) 3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.) 2 Minute Calf & Big Toe Stretch 2 Minute Quadruped Forearm Stretch Note: the easy cardio portion should be done immediately post workout to help your body recover from the workout. The stretching can then be done together as a group, time permitting,...
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BLK LBL Fitness Club – FITNESS / PERFORMANCE Warm-up Warm Up (No Measure) 1. Movement Prep/Activation Banded 7s -into- 8:00 AMRAP 10 Alternating V-Ups 3 Bench Press (Slow and controlled, empty bar) 5 Ring Rows 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Upright Row (each) 2. Strength 8 sets 2 Tempo Bench Press (70-80%) Tempo = 3 sec down/no pause/1 sec up/no pause (3010) -rest 60-90 seconds between sets- 3. Workout Prep 2 sets: 5 Dumbbell Bench Press (build in weight) 5 Ring Rows 5 V-Ups Strength/Accessory Tempo Bench Press Tempo = 3-seconds negative, 0-second at the bottom, and 1-second pressing (contraction) portion * Rest as needed between sets * 8 sets 2 Tempo Bench Press (70-80%) Tempo = 3 sec down/no pause/1 sec up/no pause (3010) -rest 60-90 seconds between sets- Workout Bison (3 Rounds for reps) Freedom (RX’d) 5:00 AMRAP 5-10-15. . . Dumbbell Bench Press (50s/35s) V-Ups -rest 1:00- 5:00...
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