BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®
Power Clean and Jerk
EMOM x 3min.
10/7 Cal Bike
EMOM x 3min.
3 Power Clean and Jerks @50-60% of 1RM
EMOM x 3min.
10/7 Cal Bike
EMOM x 3min.
2 Power Clean and Jerks @65-75% of 1RM
EMOM x 3min.
10/7 Cal Bike
EMOM x 3min.
1 Power Clean and Jerks @80-90% of 1RM
*You stay on each section for 3min. straight before switching to the next station. The power clean and jerks go up in weight each section, but if you would like to work my cardio or work on form then keep them at 3 reps the entire time on the lighter percentages.
Metcon (Time)
at the 23min. Mark…
10 Rounds For Time:
10 Wall Balls (20/14lbs.)
5 Double DB Hang Cleans (50/35s)