
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


Metcon (Weight)

20:00 EMOM

Odd: 15 Wall Balls 20/14lb.

Even: Pick one

Option 1.) 3 Power Snatches

Option 2.) 3 Power Clean & Jerks

Option 3.) Do 5 Rounds of each and hit a total. Just have to hit your heavier sets a little faster with this approach.

When you input your score, please note which option you did.


Metcon (Time)

For Time AND Quality:


Strict Pull-Ups

Strict HSPU’s

This is a very hard piece that may require a lot of scaling for some. so I am going to go over a few options:

1.) Kip just 1 of the movements.

2.) Scale the big numbers out so it’s doable like… 10 rounds of 3 pull-ups and 3 HSPUs

3.) Can’t do HSPU’s at all? Strict DB “arnold press” from a seated position.

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