
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

Crossover Symmetry Warmup or Banded 7’s


Hip Halo Warmup


3 sets

5 GHD’s to Parallel or V-Ups

5 Back Squats + 5 Good Mornings (empty bar)

5 Pike Push-Ups

5 Deadlifts (empty bar)

**2. Strength Prep**

Use a heavyweight on sets to allow solid focus on form and positions throughout reps in preparation for heavy reps in the coming weeks. Cue athletes to breathe in at the top of the rep and breathe when standing into extension. Focus on active lats, driving their feet through the floor and squeezing the butt at the top of the extension. Remember, we are going every 2 minutes so be sure athletes are ready to rock and roll.

**3. Workout Prep**

1 set

5 GHD’s

5 Back Squats

3 Handstand Push-Ups


Deadlift (5X2)

2 Deadlifts x 5 sets @85% of 1RM

* Complete a set on the 2 minutes *


Metcon (Time)


GHD’s (OR V-Ups)

Back Squat (95/65)

Handstand Push-Ups

Open Athlete Option:


Abmat Sit-Ups

Back Squats (45/35)

Push-Ups or Empty bar Shoulder Press

Target time: 13-15 minutes

Time cap: 18 minutes


Stimulus is moderate pacing and should be adjusted as workout progress to take descending rep scheme into consideration. Athletes should start conservative with pace early on to allow for increased intensity after the round of 24s.

Advanced athletes should try and push the pace early on. Keep stations close for faster work flow.

Cool Down

1 min couch stretch (each side)

1 min pigeon pose (each side)

1 min quad smash (each side)

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