
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


Day 4 – Week 5

– Superset the 2 movements below.

– Rest 2-3min. between sets

Back Squat (5X5)

Your goal is to try and lift 2.5-5% more weight than last week.

Hang Power Clean (5X2)

We did 3 rep last week, so lets up the weight a little bit for these 2 reps and go as heavy as you can without any misses. We are starting to get really strong on our 5×5 lifts, so you might be feeling a little gassed here this and that’s fine. We aren’t looking for all time best lifts on the second movement in a superset. Just good quality reps.


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

3min. AMRAP:

20 Alternating DB Snatch

20 Alternating DB Lunges

20 Cal Row

Rest 1min.

5min. AMRAP:

30 Alternating DB Snatch

30 Alternating DB Lunges

30 Cal Row

Rest 2min.

7min. AMRAP:

40 Alternating DB Snatch

40 Alternating DB Lunges

40 Cal Row

RX Men Weight: 50s

Advanced Men Weight: 70s

RX Women Weight: 35s

Advanced Women Weight: 50s


Advanced Version: (Heavy)

3min. AMRAP:

14 Alternating DB Snatch

14 Alternating DB Lunges

14 Cal Row

Rest 1min.

5min. AMRAP:

20 Alternating DB Snatch

20 Alternating DB Lunges

20 Cal Row

Rest 2min.

7min. AMRAP:

26 Alternating DB Snatch

26 Alternating DB Lunges

26 Cal Row

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