
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


Deficit Deadlift (Week 2)

2″ Deficit (Standing on a 25lb. Plate)

Olympic & Strength SUPERSET:

2 POWER Snatches or Power Cleans (You choose)

Rest about 30sec. and immediately complete;

6-8 Deficit Deadlifts

Rest 2-3min. after each SUPERSET. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets.
*THIS IS A SUPERSET. Do the Olympic lift, go immediately into the Deadlift, and then rest 2-3min.

*Your goal for each of the 2 lifts is to build to the heaviest weights possible. Next week, we will have a different OLY complex and we will try to add another 5% or more to the that deficit deadlift!


Metcon (Time)

20 Rounds For Time:

6 DB Walking Lunges (50/35s)

6 Wall Balls (20/14lb.)

6 Toes-To-Bar
Time CAP: 18min.

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