BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®
**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**
3:00 Jump Rope (single unders or Bike)
3 sets
50ft Double Dumbbell Overhead Carry (light)
30 Second Knee Plank
3 Inch Worms
**2. Workout Prep**
2 sets
100m Run
1 Wall Walk
10 Double Unders
– rest 30 seconds between sets –
Metcon (4 Rounds for time)
4 sets (1 Set every 6 Minutes)
150m Run (OR 15/12 Calorie Row)
3 Wall Walks
50 Double Unders
3 Wall Walks
150m Run (OR 15/12 Calorie Row)
Target time each set: 3-4 minutes
Time cap each set: 5 minutes
Stimulus is moderately high pacing with the goal to start consistently and end on your fastest set time. Athletes should try to move faster than they think through this workout while aiming to keep work to rest ratio 1:1.
Advanced athletes should try 4 wall walks every time.