
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

3:00 Machine (easy pace)


Burgener Warm-Up (Snatch) + Skill Transfer (if time allows)

* 10 minutes with a PVC or Empty Barbell

* Perform 3-5 reps at each movement


3x High Hang Snatch + 3x Hang Snatch + 3x Snatch (PVC or Empty Barbell)

* 5 minutes (This is strength prep)

* 2-3 Times through

* Athletes should focus on footwork and finishing their pull

**2. Strength Prep**

Athletes will spend 8-10 minutes completing 3 sets of 3 Power Snatch with a barbell. The reps are performed in singles catching above parallel. Athletes are going off of their Heavy Single from Week 1. After the Power Snatch is complete, give athletes 5-7 minutes to transition and complete 3×3 Overhead Squats. This is a great time to have athletes partner up and, as a coach, go around and spend a little time with each group queuing and correcting.

**3. Workout Prep**

1 set

10 Double Unders

3 GHD’s to Parallel + 2 GHD’s

3 KB Swings


Power Snatch (3×3)

3 Power Snatch x 3 sets @70% of 1RM Snatch

* Rest 60-90 seconds between sets *

Overhead Squat (3×3)

3 Overhead Squats x 3 sets @70-80% of 1RM Snatch

* Rest 60-90 seconds between sets *


Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

3 sets

100 Double Under

25 GHDs (OR 25 V-Ups)

15 Kettlebell Swings (70/53))

– Complete a set every 7 minutes-

Target time: 3:30-4:30

Time cap: 5 minutes


Stimulus is moderate intensity across each set. Athletes should aim to finish in the same time each round or get slightly faster each round. Athletes should be challenged with the pace and cycle of the Sand Ball Slams.

Big reps but only 3 sets, push harder than you think on this workout.

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