
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


Back Rack Lunge (4X10)

5 reps on each leg (climbing in weight each set)

Immediately into;

10-15 Weighted Hanging Knee Raises

Rest 90sec. Repeat For 4 Total Sets.


So the first 2 AMRAP’s are not meant to be finished, but I still want you to go hard and get as far as possible! Your end score is ALL the total reps you rack up throughout all 3 AMRAPs. The last one, a few of you may finish… If you do, you can stop and give yourself an extra rep per second that you finish early. For example, if you finish with 30 seconds left, you get 30 extra reps 🙂

Always start back at the beginning each time.

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

3min. AMRAP:


Front Squats (95/65lbs.)


Hang Alt. DB Snatches (50/35lb.)


Double Unders

Rest 1min.

5min. AMRAP:

(Same Workout)

Rest 2min.

7min. AMRAP:

(Same Workout)

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