
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


Day 5 – Week 2

– Superset the 2 movements below.

– Rest 2-3min. between sets

Bench Press (5X5)

Your goal is to try and lift 2.5-5% more weight than last week.

Deadlift (5X5)

Your goal is to try and lift 2.5-5% more weight than last week.


Metcon (Time)

For Time :

30 Pull-Ups

30 /20Cal Echo Bike

30 Push-Ups

90 Double Unders

20 Pull-Ups

20/15Cal Echo Bike

20 Push-Ups

60 Double Unders

10 Pull-Ups

10/7 Cal Echo Bike

10 Push-Ups

30 Double Unders

*RX+ Option is 15/10/5 Muscle Ups instead of pull-ups. Only do this option if you can knock out those reps in 2-3 sets per round.
Time Cap: 18min

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