
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

Hinshaw Warm up[ (10 minutes Max)

– into –

2 sets

30-sec run

5 wall balls (focus on breathing/arm cycling)

5 Scap Pullups

5 Body Row on Racked Bar

5 Alt. V-ups (each side)

**2. Workout Prep**

1 set

50m Run

5 Pull ups

5 Wall balls

5 Toes to Bar


Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds

200m Run

10 Pullups

20 Wallballs (20/14)

10 Toes to bar

Target time: 15-17 minutes

Time cap: 22 minutes


Stimulus is moderate intensity across rounds. Arm fatigue may be unexpected but will build across rounds due to hands essentially being overhead for the last three movements of each round. Set the pace with the first round and see if you can stay within 10-20 seconds for the next 4 rounds.

Open Athletes: Play it smart and maybe just switch the workout to a active recovery day.


8 rounds

200m Run

300m Ski Erg (OR 300m Row)

Accessory Work

Bent Over Lateral Raises (4X10)

*Build to a light/moderate weight, stay the same or increase across sets

Weighted Hip Thrust (4X12)

*Build to a heavy weight and perform sets at this weight as long as form can be maintained

*Use either a barbell or dumbbell.

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