
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


Bench Press

Superset these 2 movements together:

8-10 Bench Press

8-10 Barbell Bent Over Rows

Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets.


Metcon (Time)

Every 60sec. until you finish 150 KB Swings…

Min. 1)

5 Pull-Ups

10 Push-Ups

20 Double Unders

Min. 2)

Max American KB Swings (53/35lb.)
To be clear… The workout goes like this…

The first minute, you are completing 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 20 double unders. Then, on the next minute you are completing as many KB Swings as possible. This sequence continues until you hit 150 KB Swings.

*If for any reason you can not get all the work done in minute 1, then just shave the numbers down a little.

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