
BLK LBL Fitness Club – CrossFit®


The Chalk Big Clean Complex

15min. to build up to a heavy complex of:

1 Hang Power Clean (above the knee)

1 Hang Power Clean (below the knee)

1 Power Clean (from the ground)

1 Split Jerk

All 4 lifts are 1 set. Rest 2min. And continue to build to the heaviest weight possible.


Metcon (Time)

7 Rounds For Time:

7 Burpees

7 Shoulder To Overhead (115/75lbs.)

7 Calorie Bike

7 Pull-Ups

7 Wall Balls (20/14lbs.)
RX+ Men: 135lbs. and 30lb. Wall Ball

RX+ Women: 95lbs. and 20lb. Wall Ball

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