Front Squat

5 sets:

3 Front Squat (75-80%)

-Complete a set every 2:00-

Repeat_Workout_50 (3 Rounds for time)


Every 5:00 (3 sets)

10 Toes to Bar or 10 V-ups

10 Burpee Broad Jump (4’/3’)

10 Toes to Bar or 10 V-ups

10 Burpee Broad Jump (4’/3’)

10 Toes to Bar or 10 V-ups

* Perform Toes to Bar for sets 1 and 3. Perform V-ups for set 2.


Every 5:00 (3 sets)

8 Hanging Knee Raises

8 Up Downs

10 Sit Ups

8 Up Downs

8 Hanging Knee Raises

Target time each set: 2:45-3:15

Time cap each set: 4 minutes
“The Shire”

-Repeat from Feb 27th, 2024-

Mobility (No Measure)

3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.)

2x 1 Minute Calf Pumps

1 Minute Forearm Smash

Note: the easy cardio portion should be done immediately post workout to help your body recover from the workout. The stretching can then be done together as a group, time permitting, or on your own as homework. Stretch videos are available in the athlete notes.
Calf Pumps

Forearm Smash

Fitness (Endurance) (Time)

300/240 cal Air Bike

Every 2:00, including 0:00

4 Single DB Overhead Lunges

4 Single DB Shoulder to Overhead

*alternate arms every round

Core (3 Rounds for time)

3 sets:

15 Stick Sit Ups

12 Strict Hanging Leg Raise

30 Laying Heel Taps

:45 sec Face-Up Chinese Plank

:45 sec Overhead DB Hold (each side)

*Rest 2:00 b/t sets

Athletes Notes

Stick Sit Ups

Strict Hanging Leg Raise

Heel Taps

Face Up Chinese Plank

Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry – static hold, no walking