Gymnastics: Ring Muscle-ups/Strict Pull-ups (Checkmark)
Choose between the Strength Option OR the Conditioning Option (don’t do both). For the conditioning option, athletes should be able to do 5+ ring muscle-ups, unbroken.
Strength Option:
EMOM 10:
Odd: 5-10 ring/bar kip swings
Even: 3-10 ring dips (modified: box dips)
Conditioning Option:
Death by Ring Muscle Ups:
[Time cap 8 minutes]
Choose Strict or Kipping
Minute 1: 1 Ring Muscle Up
Minute 2: 2 Ring Muscle Ups
Etc…if you fail before the time cap, complete the allowed numbers with Toes to Rings.
Mammoth Lake (Time)
3 Rounds
30/24 Calorie Row
25 Box Jump Overs (20’’)
20 Handstand Push Ups
3 Rounds
20/16 Calorie Row
15 Box Step Ups (20’’)
10 Dumbbell Push Press (light)
Target time: 12-14:00
Time cap: 18:00
Mobility (No Measure)
3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.)
2x 10 Open Book
10x 5 Second Cobra
Note: the easy cardio portion should be done immediately post workout to help your body recover from the workout. The stretching can then be done together as a group, time permitting, or on your own as homework. Stretch videos are available in the athlete notes.
Open Book
Fitness Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds each for Time
15/12 Cal Standing Echoe Bike
100 ft. Sled Push (45/empty)
15 DBell Push Press
100 ft. Sled Push (45/empty)
BLFC – Mini Pump Session (Time)
4 Rounds
10 Strict Pullups @ moderate weight – maintain quality
10 Barbell Deadlift @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality
10 Bent Over Barbell Row @ moderate weight – maintain quality
10 Barbell Drag Curls @ moderate weight – maintain quality
-Rest 3 min b/t rounds-
Athletes Notes
Bent Over Barbell Rows
Barbell Drag Curls